Liability of the holder towards third parties
The information provided by Logis de la Barre is derived from sources that may be considered reliable, but the accuracy and completeness thereof cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, Logis de la Barre strives to continuously maintain and update this website, but cannot guarantee that the contents of (parts of) this website will still be correct, complete or up to date after a period of time or at the moment that this website is consulted. The information provided is therefore only indicative and may be changed at any time without further notice. Visitors to the website are themselves responsible for the choice – and use – of the information.
The websites that can be visited from this website, respectively the websites from which this website can be visited, have not been set up by Logis de la Barre and are also not maintained by Logis de la Barre.
Logis de la Barre does not accept any liability for damages in connection with the use of this website and the information (or the impossibility to use it), including damages caused by viruses or inaccuracy or incompleteness of (i) the information, (ii) information on or via a website to which reference is made on the website, or (iii) information from or via a website that refers to a website, (iv) information that is placed on the website without prior consultation with us.
The limitation or exclusion of liability referred to in this article does not apply insofar as damage is the result of an intentional reckless or deliberate shortcoming on the part of Logis de la Barre.